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Home2023 Conference Programme

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PLEASE NOTE: Program timings are in AEDT. Program is subject to change.

Friday 20 October 2023

7:45 – 5:30

Registration and information desk open

8:15 – 8:45

Arrival tea and coffee

8:45 – 9:00

Opening address

Warren Murnane

9:00 – 10:00

Quantifying when our strategies work best


We all know we should be more quantitative in our approach. We may even have back tested our idea. But how do we know when we should follow our model and when we should abandon it? Along with sharing his own Technical Analysis quantitative journey of discovery, Mathew will explain how we can gain granular insight into our models, increase confidence in them, and suggest ways to combine multiple models together to create a hybrid quantitative model.

Mathew Verdouw

10:00 – 10:30

Morning tea

10:30 – 12:00

Tools for success in trading psychology
Brett will present several best practices he has observed among professional traders and ways of integrating these into our own trading practice. Ample time will be reserved for group coaching through live Q&A, in which attendees can ask questions relevant to their own trading.

Brett Steenbarger*

12:00 – 1:30


1:30 – 3:00


Using U.S. exchange traded futures and options products to diversify and hedge a traditional portfolio
In this session, Carley Garner will outline the logistics, mechanics, and advantages of using U.S based derivatives to gain exposure to precious metals such as gold and silver. She will also share a highly efficient hedging strategy using stock index or bond options to reduce risk exposure to risk assets and interest rates.

Carley Garner

Strategizing in today’s commodity markets
Join Carley Garner to discuss historical, current, and future commodity market price action. She will provide market outlooks using technical, fundamental, and market composition analysis and offer examples of trading strategies to benefit from those forecasts.

3:00 – 3:30

Afternoon tea

3:30 – 4:30

Family wealth protection for bloodline for generations to come.


The importance of family wealth protection and protective estate planning cannot be overstated. In today's complex financial landscape, safeguarding your assets is not just a luxury but a necessity. The dangers of family provisions claims and litigation involving investment, business and commercial interests can be financially devastating and emotionally draining. These risks can jeopardise not only your current financial standing but also the financial future of generations to come. Therefore, it is crucial to have a well-thought-out plan that can protect your family's wealth from various vulnerabilities.
Grant is the Chair of the Succession, Asset Protection and Estate Planning Advisers Association and director of Abbott and Mourly Lawyers. He will provide insight for attendees to protect their hard fought investments from attack.

Grant Abbott

4:30 – 4:40

Comfort break

4:40 – 5:30

Eary bird ticket holders – Speakers meet & greet

Spend quality time in a small group meet and greet with a speaker of your choice (subject to availability).





PLEASE NOTE: Program timings are in AEDT. Program is subject to change.

Saturday 21 October 2023

7:45 – 4:30

Registration and information desk open

8:10 – 8:40

Arrival tea and coffee

8:40 – 8:50

Day two introduction

Max Knobel

8:50 – 9:50

Trading with a Zen mind


Why do we trade and what is Zen? Is it useful for you to embrace a spiritual approach to trading or is it "hocus pocus?"
Revered and successful traders and authors - Ed Seykota, Ray Dalio, Dr. Van Tharp, Mark Douglas and many more - promote the benefits of Mindfulness approaches. If success is gained from modelling others, Zen Mindfulness surely has some merit.
From the school of hard knocks taught by 29 years of trading and the hallowed halls of Zen monasteries, Peter discusses a unique approach to trading and life.
In this presentation, Peter will combine his knowledge and experiences of both challenging professions, Trading and Zen – emphasizing and incorporating the wisdom of the sages with the technical aspects of trading.

Peter Castle

9:50 – 10:20

Morning tea

10:20 – 11:20

The art and science of trading: Crafting a personalised strategy tailed to your objectives.


It's a fact that even as systematic traders, it's easy for us to succumb to emotions if we cannot cope with the strategy we've chosen to trade. So when embarking on a course of strategy development, how can we be sure that the resulting trade executions will fit with our own personal style and be manageable around our lifestyle and other commitments? In this enlightening presentation, Alan will take us through the steps to quantify our own personal objectives and risk tolerance. He'll then show how once you have these, you can target a particular style of trading strategy that is best likely to match those goals. This can then lead you to develop styles of strategies that would give you a much greater chance of trading them successfully, thus realising a P&L profile close to the systematic outcomes.

Alan Clement

11:20 – 11:30

Comfort break

11:30 – 12:30

Trading with the whole brain

During this presentation, Mark will describe a whole brain thinking preferences approach to trading, articulate psychological attributes important to enhance trading performance and provide a process participants can use to assess and enhance their trading performance after the conference.

Mark Gleeson

12:30 – 1:30


1:30 – 3:00

Trading bands: The history and application


John Bollinger, CFA, CMT will discuss the history of trading bands, Bollinger Bands in specific, and the most important trading band indicators.
He will then discuss developing trading systems using bands, starting with the oldest known trading band system. Some examples coded in Python will be included.

John Bollinger

3:00 – 3:40

Afternoon tea

3:40 – 4:40

Discretion in the better part of A.I.

In a market disfigured by Artificial Intelligence, is there a place, or even an expanded place, for discretionary trading? Is there a future role for the independent trader using technical and chart analysis? These are key questions for independent traders in a landscape shredded by big data, larger computing power and apparently indisputable answers. Does A.I. make obsolete technical analysis as we know it, or can we outwit A.I.? Unlike ChatGPT and its colleagues, Guppy does not have THE answer but he will discuss the issues and consider ways independent traders can survive and thrive in these changing market environments.

Daryl Guppy

7:00 – 10:00

Gala Dinner

Dinner speaker: Rudi Filapek-Vandyck

For pre-booked ticket holders





PLEASE NOTE: Program timings are in AEDT. Program is subject to change.

Sunday 22 October 2023

8:00 – 4:30

Registration and information desk open

8:00 – 8:30

Arrival tea and coffee

8:30 – 8:40

Day two introduction

Max Knobel

8:40 – 9:40

Building a simple price-based trading system

Building the robust trading system when you have no Algorithm skills.
The presentation will cover the following areas:

  • three simple techniques that will dramatically increase you win/loss ratio
  • how you can use these techniques on any financial market and any time frame (weekly, daily, intraday)
  • how to use simple geometry to maximise profits and pin point your entry
  • how to eliminate that feeling of dread in your stomach when placing a trade
  • why back testing is so important and how to do back of the envelope testing
  • how to use simple stop loss and profit targets and WHY to use them
  • how to model the psychology from daily life into trading

Gary Burton

9:40 – 10:10

Morning tea

10:10 – 11:10

Fundamentals are not what you think they are

Rudi Filapek-Vandyck

11:10 – 11:20

Comfort Break

11:20 – 12:20

FIVE Forex or CFD system refinements that may impact positively on trading outcomes.


In this presentation some alternative and often ignored price action orientated refinements that are often overlooked will be outlined that may be worth considering for integration into your trading,

Although primarily using Forex and intraday CFD examples during the presentation there may be some transferability into longer term approaches and alternative trading instruments.

These potential system refinements explore issues of variable position sizing, two trail stop refinements for management of profit risk, the volume challenge, and errors made in assessment of potentially higher probability entries. With each refinement discussed there will not only be a description of such but also some thinking about the potential challenges traders may have in putting these into practice and how to overcome these.

It is hoped that attendees will not only walk away with an increased understanding of system refinement generally, but have practical guidance that may be tested in the context of their own trading with what is discussed.

Mike Smith

12:20 – 1:40


1:40 – 2:40

Unveiling Crypto: The Missing Opportunity in Your Trading Portfolio


As traditional financial markets seem increasingly dominated by institutional giants, the crypto market emerges as the new frontier for traders, promising unparalleled volatility, 24/7 access and new opportunities. This session demystifies crypto. You'll learn the essentials of trading crypto assets, from understanding bitcoin to reviewing past performance and new trading strategies. We'll also debunk common myths that deter traditional traders. Whether you're a crypto rookie or have some prior knowledge, this presentation will equip you with a head start in this dynamic market.

Michael Milmeister

2:40 – 2:50

Comfort break

2:50 – 3:50

W.D. Gann


W.D.Gann was a famous trader in the US markets from the early 1900’s. making a name for himself producing remarkable forecast and trading records. His feats in trading are very hard if not impossible to match, achieving over 90% accuracy of winners to losses with calculations done by hand in trading pits and arenas.


He created many unique tools and strategies, using little known numeric meanings and the Astrological influences of planetary cycles and angles. Gann studied the records of ancient civilisations like the Mesopotamians who used the planets and stars to define periods of flood and drought. These ancient records then bought Gann into using similar methods in trading markets with incredible success.


In our review of Gann’s work, we will focus on the May Soy Beans chart, and in particular explore the notes he left in relation to numbers, angles, and planetary influences. Then we will transpose these concepts onto our modern markets to see how they create opportunities in our fast paced electronic world. I am sure you will find the results amazing.


Alan Oliver

3:50 – 4:00

Closing address

Warren Murnane

4:00 – 4:30

Afternoon tea

*Remote presentation via video link

ATAA National Conference - 2023

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 20-22 October 2023

Market Conquest : Tech and Tools for Success



With markets remaining volatile and unpredictable in a challenging global landscape, it’s well worth arming yourself with the skills and tools to be able to maximise opportunity in the current uncertain environment.

Take the opportunity to learn practical trading ideas and robust risk management strategies from industry leading professionals, that you can take away and use to enhance your bottom line.

Network with the cream of professional and independent traders and investors and make connections that will help you get to where you want to be.

Invest in yourself and your trading by taking the chance and dedicating three days to give your trading the boost it deserves. 

Take this opportunity to socialise with like-minded traders, friends, and colleagues, and brake out of the post pandemic malaise – and it may even be tax deductable! 


  • Hear from top trading and investing professionals as they share practical ways to profit in these ever-changing markets.
  • 14 sessions over 3 full days.
  • Network with fellow professional and independent traders and investors.
  • Don’t miss your chance to meet and mingle with the speakers.
  • A premier location in the centre of Sydney, Australia close to transport links.
  • A bonus 6 month free ATAA membership and a chance in a draw to win an ATAA Online Introductory Technical Analysis Course valued at $450 for non-member in person attendee registrants.
  • Also join us for the conference grand dinner on Saturday night. Spending quality time with the speakers in a relaxed environment.
  • Links to recordings of speaker presentations exclusively available to you following the conference.

Featured Presenters


Click on the links to hear from the speakers themselves




Grant Abbott

SMSF, Family Wealth Protection


John Bollinger

Bollinger Bands


Gary Burton

Building a Simple Priced Based Robust Trading System.


Peter Castle

Trading with a  Zen Mind


Alan Clement

The Art and Science of Trading


Carley Garner

Options, Futures and Commodities Trading.


Mark Gleeson

Trading with the whole brain



Daryl Guppy

Discretion is the better part of A.I.


Alan Oliver

W.D. Gann


Michael Milmeister

Unveiling Crypto


Mike Smith

Forex System Refinements


Brett Steenbarger*

Tools for Success in Trading Psychology


Rudi Filapek-Vandyck

Fundamentals are not what they seem


Mathew Verdouw

Quantifying when our Strategies Work Best



PLEASE NOTE: Program timings are in AEDT. Program is subject to change.


Friday 20 October 2023  

7:45 – 5:30

Registration and information desk open

8:15 – 8:45

Arrival tea and coffee

8:45 – 9:00

Opening address

Warren Murnane

9:00 – 10:00

Quantifying when our strategies work best

Mathew Verdouw

10:00 – 10:30

Morning tea

10:30 – 12:00

Tools for success in trading psychology

Brett Steenbarger*

12:00 – 1:30


1:30 – 3:00


Using U.S. exchange traded futures and options products to diversify and hedge a traditional portfolio

Carley Garner

Strategizing in today’s commodity markets

3:00 – 3:30

Afternoon tea

3:30 – 4:30

Family Wealth Protection for bloodline for Generations to come

Grant Abbott

4:30 – 4:40

Comfort break

4:40 – 5:30

Early bird ticket holders – Speakers meet & greet

Spend quality time in a small group meet and greet with a speaker of your choice (subject to availability).


Saturday 21 October 2023

7:45 – 4:30

Registration and information desk open


8:10 – 8:40

Arrival tea and coffee


8:40 – 8:50

Day two introduction

Max Knobel

8:50 – 9:50

Trading with a Zen mind

Peter Castle

9:50 – 10:20

Morning tea


10:20 – 11:20

The art and science of trading: Crafting a personalised strategy tailored to your objectives

Alan Clement

11:20 – 11:30

Comfort break


11:30 – 12:30

Trading with the whole brain

Mark Gleeson

12:30 – 1:30



1:30 – 3:00

Trading bands: The history and application

John Bollinger

3:00 – 3:40

Afternoon tea


3:40 – 4:40

Discretion in the better part of A.I.

Daryl Guppy

6:30 – 10:00

Conference Grand Dinner

Dinner speaker: Rudi Filapek-Vandyck

(Optional - please register for the Gala Dinner when making your  conference Booking. Dinner includes three-course meal and drinks).



Sunday 22 October 2023   

8:00 – 4:30

Registration and information desk open


8:00 – 8:30

Arrival tea and coffee


8:30 – 8:40

Day three introduction

Max Knobel

8:40 – 9:40

Building a simple price-based trading system

Gary Burton

9:40 – 10:10

Morning tea


10:10 – 11:10

Fundamentals are not what they seem

Rudi Filapek-Vandyck

11:10 –11:20

Comfort Break


11:20 - 12:20

Forex or CFD system refinements for positive impact

Mike Smith

12:20 – 1:40



1:40 – 2:40

Unveiling Crypto: The Missing Opportunity in Your Trading Portfolio

Michael Milmeister

2:40 – 2:50

Comfort Break


2:50 – 3:50

W.D. Gann

Alan Oliver

3:50 – 4:00

Closing address

Warren Murnane

4:00 – 4:30

Afternoon tea



*Remote presentation via video link  

Join us at The Sheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park. Centrally located 5-star venue in the Sydney CBD. Very close to St James and Town Hall stations. Free transfers to the venue from airport via express link.

Accommodation bookings at the ATAA's guaranteed discounted rates have unfortunately ended. Please contact the Conference Organiser to enquire about reservations and current rates.

Why not bring your partner and attend the gala dinner with them? There's plenty for partners to see and do in and around Sydney during the conference.